Che, una buena para Euge ¿nunca?. Genial. Una te pido, una.
Awkward is my specialty.

(and being the biggest asshole)
I feel like no-one ever told the truth to me
About growing up and what a struggle it would be In my tangled state of mind
I've been looking back to find
Where I went wrong

Too much love will kill you.
...In another life
I would be your girl
We keep all our promises
Be us against the world.
I'll make my
Time on my own
Search for a better
To find my way
To your smile


I’m a realist, I’m a romantic, I’m a

And that’s about it.

If you’re talking about being in love, I think it’s being able to be yourself and being able to remain happy with someone who equally has flaws, like you. No relationships are perfect and I think it’s significant for people to realise that. Ultimately there isn’t any real definition.

So true.

Life is
like riding a bicycle in order to keep your balance you must keep moving. (!)

Hola, no sos más papi porque no hay tiempo eh. My god.
- There's no such thing as love, it's fantasy.
- Well I think .. You're wrong.

She's a sensation.
Aren't you gonna answer me?
When I am crying out your name and I'm lost in shame.
Lead me on my way & give me words to say. ♪
Me pregunto tantas veces '¿y ahora qué?'. No sé que me espera al doblar la esquina, pero .. tal vez sea parte de un sueño, y ese sueño que siempre quise realizar pero sin prisas.

For one minute please, stand here in
silence and look at the sky, and contemplate how
awesome life is.

(De vez en cuando está bueno hacer esto. Para ser más precisos, una vez en el día.)
Y si tu cabeza explota también con oscuros presagios nos veremos en el lado oculto de la luna. (♪)
New found glory me levanta el ánimo con una fuerza equivalente a mi masa directamente proporcional a la constante de la luz elevada al cuadrado.
*I need a radio-surgery ♪ *

Y llegás a la conclusión de que, no te tiene que importar qué piensa la gente de vos. ¿Sabés qué? Pensá lo que se te antoje.

Son sensaciones que nunca había sentido y no quiero perderlas. Quiero mirar el cielo contigo y contar juntos las estrellas.
will I find where I fit in!?

(Tal vez sea yo, pero hay veces que siento que no encajo en este mundo.)
.. I’m a mess that’s the best way to describe it. [!]

Between the sun and the stars, there is nothing that will keep us apart.
If I'm a weirdo around you,
I'm comfortable with you.


·) Love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime, and never let go till we're gone.

·) Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

·) Love will find a way.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Why do I care?
Están todos en el mismo plano.
Giran todos en la misma dirección...
Es perfecto, ¿sabes? Es portentoso.
Es casi increíble.
Let it be.
!We were like strangers,
who knew each other very well.

Tan simple como eso.

Like a rainbow in the dark.